Rules for the discipline 1. student should carry his diary to school every day. 2.Student should be habitually clean & always neatly dress the school uniform should be worn on all working days & for all school functions. Student who is slovenly dressed or not in uniform shall be sent home. 3.must be taken for all school property. No student will damage school furniture, write or draw anything on the walls. Damage done should be reported fat once to the class teacher. Recovery for and damage will be made from the concerned student. 4.No books (other than text books or library books magazines or paper should be brought to the school. 5. Lending or borrowing money or other articles is strictly prohibited. 6. school is not responsible for goods lost. It is not advisable to bring valuable articles like expensive watches, fountain pen or items of jewellery to school. 7.The school reserves the right to suspend student whose progress in studies is unsatisfactory or whose conduct is harmful to the other students. 8. Parents & Guardians must not visit their wards or teachers without prior permission of the principal. 9. Student should get their cards/medical report card signed by their parents/ guardians within two days of receipt of the Report cards. 10. The name, class& section of the pupils should be clearly marked on all the belongings of the student. Water bottles, blazers &pullovers should also bear name of the student. 11. Late comers, uniform defaulters and children who do not do their work regularly will be sent home. 12. Students are not required to use school telephone. They will not be called to answer phone calls during class hour. 13. Students are not allowed to go the relative/friends house from the school. 14. Repeated absence without leave or unexplained for more than ten consecutive days shall render the students liable to have his/ her name struck off the rolls, readmission may be granted only on payment of fresh admission fee provided the vacancy still exists. 15. It is compulsory for students to complete 75% attendance in the year to make them eligible for the final examination. 16. A sick child should not be sent to school. Students suffering from any one of the following diseases must observe the prescribed period of quarantine before joining the class (a) Chicken pox- Till complete falling of scabs. (b)Cholera- Till the child is completely well. (c) weeks after the Rash disappear. (d) Mumps- Until the swelling has gone about one month. (e) cough-six weeks (f) Jaundice-Six weeks. 17. A student who fails twice in a class wil not be permitted continue his/her studies in the school. 18. Parents &Guardians are requested to notify the school authorities of any change in addresses or Telephone number. 19. In case, Rickshaw puller or van driver is absent, parents have to send their ward themselves. 20. is payable quarterly in advance up to the f10th April, July, Oct and Jan. Respectively for the Four Quarters. A late fine of Rs.2/-per day will be charged for delay in returning library book. They should be returned within a week. 21. Fine of Rs.1/- per day will be charged for delay in returning library book. They should be returned within a week. 22. Parents of children studying in Nur., LKG,UKG can meet the staff on any working day after the classes are over i.e. 12.30 to 1.30 pm. They need not wait for parent teacher meetings. 23. Parents will not be allowed to take their wards home before the school is over. In case your ward has an appointment with the doctor, don't send him to school. Early leave may be granted on unit test days only. 24. Parents may meet the principal 10.30 to 11.30 A.M with the prior appointment only. 25. if a parent wants to meet to the teacher. Kindly visit the school and discuss your ward's progress on sat only between 1.00 to 1.30 p.m (winter timing) 12.30 to 1.00p.m (summer-timing) phone calls from parents for any teacher during school hours will not be entertained.